You are Special!

Gifs by Oriza - Nice gifs, poems scraps

Myspace code:

You are Special!!

I am proud of people

Very nice, very special,

True friends, true angels,

Who are as the sun:

They warm us even

From far away,

They make the sky more blue…

Do you know I am proud?

I am proud of you!!

Oriza Martins

I feel God’s presence in our love...

I feel God’s presence in our love...

When you…
…touch my hands,
…see my eyes,
… kiss my lips…
I feel God’s presence in our lives...

When we, together…
…pray every morning,
…dance in the rain,
… smile or cry…
I feel God’s presence in our lives...
I feel God’s presence in our love...
Because the Lord loves us
And He blessed our love!

We are all brothers in Christ

HTML clipboard

Gifs by Oriza

Gifs, messages, love poems

We are all brothers in Crist!

You can not blindly trust in appearances…

HTML clipboard
You can not blindly trust in appearances…
As well as the plant of the cactus, so rough, so prickly, apparently so dry and barren…
But that hides an almost holy power to display itself in the nature,
as a so sublime and delicate flower…
Then the human beings can hide behind of an apparent dryness,
a special soul, the good, the goodness,
the power to contribute with solidarity for a better world.

©Oriza Martins